Firmware is the term used for software that is em-
bedded in a programmed chip (microcontroller).
It is mostly stored in a flash memory, an EPROM
or an EEPROM. The firmware contains functions
for controlling the device.
This setting establishes which brightness value
should be displayed for which digital transmis-
sion value. Most recordings are transmitted with
a gamma value of 2.2 (all Windows PCs and
newer PCs with a MAC operating system work
with this, older MAC systems and transmissions
without colour profile mostly operate with a
gamma value of 1.8).
Hardware in this context means the device.
This includes all components such as processor,
display, etc.
High Definition Television is a general term for
a range of television standards which feature
increased vertical, horizontal or temporal resolu-
Full HD is a feature of an HDTV capable device
which is able to output or record an HD resolu-
tion of 1920 x 1080 pixels.
JPEG stands for Joint Picture Experts Group. It
denotes a process for compressing picture files.
Low Noise Block is located in the centre of a
parabolic antenna.
It converts the satellite frequency from, for ex-
ample, 10.7 to 11.75 or 11.8 to 12.75 GHz to
the 950-2150 MHz range, thereby enabling the
cable transmission using a coaxial cable and
more recently also with optical fibre and recep-
tion with a satellite receiver.
Improves the display of moving images through
the additional computation of intermediate pic-
tures and is only available for devices from 32”.
It is displayed with a PPR of 400 (Picture Perfec-
tion Rate). If the adjustment value is too high,
this may result in ghosting with poor transmission
due to the incorrect computation of the interme-
diate pictures.
MP3 is the abbreviation for MPEG-1 Level 3
and is based on the MPEG-1 standard, which
was developed by the MPEG (Motion Picture
Expert Group).
Reduces the visible snow by displaying the
picture a little less sharply and creating a slight
blurring. Should therefore be used minimally
with good picture material.
Improves the general image by means of a
gentle blue hue (giving the appearance of
greater sharpness) and improves the black level
by setting this entirely to black from specific
shade of back. This reduces the visible grey
values in the dark areas of the picture.
Unrestricted single cable system.
If your antenna system is equipped with a single
cable multi-switch, the televisions which are con-
nected to this antenna system can receive televi-
sion channels independently from one another.