Unpacking Components
Unstrap and remove the lift frame, hoses, top arms, and any boxes of hardware from the undercarriage. If any
components are missing, call Grouser.
CAUTION: Do not bypass the safety relief valve and plumb each cylinder to separate valves
on the tractor.
To ensure proper use and life of equipment, it is recommended to have both cylinders closed for
straight ahead dozing and only one cylinder partially or fully extended for angled dozing as shown in
the diagrams below.
If the angle system is not used correctly, frame damage may occur.
damaged frames can be repaired, please contact Grouser Products for repair instructions if needed.
Please contact Grouser Products with any questions by:
Phone - 701-282-7710 or 800-747-6182; Fax - 701-282-8131
(Left or RIght)