The terms below are standard words found within this manual and
the detector.
Discriminating allows you to choose the metals you want to detect and
the ones you want to “eliminate” or not look for. Discrimination makes it
easier to avoid trash or other undesirable objects. Once it detects a
metal it will categorize it to one of the metals you chose to detect for.
Iron is the most common metal used. It has been used since ancient
times because of how abundant it is. Ferrous metals are made up of
iron. Objects that are ferrous metals are; nails, bolts, stainless steel and
cast iron.
A narrow detection that tells you the exact location of the object that
is buried.
Also known as “pop tops.” Discarded pull-tabs come from beverage
cans. They can be all different shapes and sizes. They are primarily made
of aluminum, which can be bothersome to many treasure hunters.
All soils contain minerals. Signals from ground minerals interfere
with the signals from metal objects. If metal is detected in this
mode it will make a sound. It doesn’t detect any of earth’s natural
minerals so you can get a more accurate reading on what you find.