Model g0634Xp (Mfg. 4/11+)
to set the 45° fence stop:
1. loosen the fence tilt knob and position the
fence against the 45° stop bolt.
2. loosen the lock nut on the 45˚ fence stop
screw (see
figure 10).
figure 10. Adjusting fence 45˚ outward.
lock Nut
3. Adjust the 45˚ stop screw until the fence is
exactly 45° outward while resting on the bolt
(check the angle with a sliding bevel set to
135° or with a 45° square).
4. re-tighten the lock nut loosened in step 2.
45° stop screw
replacing carbide
tools needed:
t-handle Wrench w/t-25 torx Bit ..................... 1
the cutterhead is equipped with 32 indexable car-
bide inserts. Each insert can be rotated to reveal
any one of its four cutting edges. therefore, if one
cutting edge becomes dull or damaged, simply
rotate it 90˚ to reveal a fresh cutting edge (
. insert rotating sequence.
reference dot
in addition, each insert has a reference dot on
one corner. As the insert is rotated, the reference
dot location can be used as an indicator of which
edges are used and which are new. When the
reference dot revolves back around to its starting
position, the insert should be replaced.
to rotate or change a carbide insert:
1. disCoNNECt JoiNtEr/plANEr FroM
poWEr soUrCE!
2. remove any sawdust from the head of the
carbide insert torx screw.
3. remove the torx screw and carbide insert.