g8749 drum/Flap sander
Additional Safety instructions Sanders
1. FEEDiNG WORKPiEcE. to avoid the risk
of your hands being pulled into the machine,
do not jam workpiece into the sanding
attachment during operation. Firmly grasp
the workpiece in both hands and ease it into
the machine using light pressure.
2. ENtANGLEMENt hAzARD. to avoid
entanglement injuries, do not wear loose
clothing, jewelry, or gloves when using this
machine. roll up long sleeves and tie back
long hair.
3. hAND PROtEctiON. do not place your
hands near or in contact with the sand-
ing attachments during operation. never
put your hands or fingers between the
workpiece and the sander during opera-
4. iNSPEctiNG WORKPiEcES. always
inspect the workpiece for nails, staples,
knots, and other imperfections that could
be dislodged and thrown from the machine
during operation, which could cause seri-
ous personal injury.
5. PROtEctivE EQUiPMENt. dust and
chips become airborne at a high rate of
speed during operation, becoming haz-
ards to eyes and lungs. always wear ansi
approved safety glasses or a face shield
and a respirator when using this sander.
No list of safety guidelines can be complete.
Every shop environment is different. Always
consider safety first, as it applies to your
individual working conditions. Use this and
other machinery with caution and respect.
Failure to do so could result in serious per-
sonal injury, damage to equipment, or poor
work results.
Like all machinery there is potential danger
when operating this machine. Accidents are
frequently caused by lack of familiarity or
failure to pay attention. Use this machine
with respect and caution to decrease the
risk of operator injury. if normal safety pre-
cautions are overlooked or ignored, serious
personal injury may occur.
6. ROtAtiON DiREctiON. to avoid entan-
glement injuries, always be aware of the
rotation direction of the sanding attach-
7. UNAttENDED OPERAtiON. to avoid the
risk of unauthorized use or accidental con-
tact with the sanding attachments, never
leave the machine running unattended.
turn the machine
after every use and
remove the switch disabling key.
SERvicE. perform machine inspections
and maintenance service promptly and when
needed. always disconnect the machine
from power when performing adjustments,
maintenance, or service to avoid injuries
from accidental start-up or electrocution.
9. SANDiNG AttAchMENtS. always make
sure the sanding attachments are correctly
mounted and secure before turning the
machine on. Keep these components in
good working order.
10. EXPERiENciNG DiFFicULtiES. if at any
time you are experiencing difficulties per-
forming the intended operation, stop using
the machine and contact tech support at
(570) 546-9663.