g0664 heavy duty Metal-Cutting Bandsaw
Blade Selection
selecting the right blade for the cut requires a
knowledge of various blade characteristics.
Blade Terminology
A. Kerf: the width of cut made by the blade dur-
ing cutting.
B. Tooth Set: the distance each tooth is bent
left or right from the blade edge.
C. Gauge: the thickness of the blade (not
including the tooth set).
D. Blade Width: the widest point of the blade
measured from the tip of the tooth to the back
edge of the blade.
E. Tooth Rake: the angle of the tooth face
from a line perpendicular to the length of the
f. Gullet Depth: the distance from the tooth tip
to the bottom of the curved area (gullet).
G. Tooth pitch: the distance between tooth
H. Blade Back: the distance between the bot-
tom of the gullet and the back edge of the
I. TpI: the number of teeth per inch measured
from gullet to gullet.
figure 34. Bandsaw blade terminology.
Blade pitch (TpI)
the chart below is a basic starting point for choos-
ing teeth per inch (tpi) for variable tooth pitch
blades and standard raker set bi-metal blades/
hss blades. however, for exact specifications of
bandsaw blades that are correct for your opera-
tion, contact the blade manufacturer.
To select the correct blade pitch:
1. Measure the material thickness. this mea-
surement is the length of cut taken from
where the tooth enters the workpiece, sweeps
through, and exits the workpiece.
2. refer to the "Material Width/diameter" row of
the blade selection chart in
figure 35, and
read across to find the workpiece thickness
you need to cut.
3. refer to the "Material shapes" row and find
the shape of the material to be cut.
4. in the applicable row, read across to the right
and find the box where the row and column
intersect. listed in the box is the minimum
tpi recommended for the variable tooth pitch
figure 35. general guidelines for blade selection
and speed chart.
Material Width/
ideal Blade teeth
per inch (tpi)
Material shapes
Blade pitch