g0651/g0652 10" extreme series table saws
3. With the end of the adjustable square just
touching the tip, lock the square in place.
now, mark the carbide tip with a marker
where you made this measurement.
4. rotate that tip to the other end of the table
5. slide the adjustable square down to the other
end of the table insert, and compare the dis-
tance from the marked blade tip to the end of
the adjustable square.
if the blade tip does not touch the end of
the adjustable square similar to the first
measurement, the table will need to be
—if the blade tip measurement is the same
on both sides, go to
Step 8.
6. to adjust the table, loosen the three bolts in
the table mounting locations (see
figure 78)
and slightly tap the table.
repeat Steps 2-6
until the blade and miter slot are parallel. do
not forget to tighten the table mounting bolts
when finished.
The saw blade is dangerously sharp. use
extra care when handling the blade or
working near it. Serious injury is possible.
figure 78. table mounting bolt holes.
table mounting locations
7. tilt the blade to 45° and repeat Steps 2-5. if
the blade is still parallel to the miter slot, con-
tinue on to the
Blade Alignment procedure.
otherwise, continue with the next step.
8. if the blade was parallel to the miter slot at
90° but not at 45°, the table will need to be
shimmed with metal shim stock. the shims
are placed under the table over each of the
three table mounting bolts.
9. refer to figures 79 and 80 for shim place-
ment. if the distance of a is shorter than B,
shim(s) will need to be placed under corners
#1 and #2. if the distance of B is shorter than
a, shim(s) will need to be placed under cor-
ner #3. very thin shim stock works well.
figure 79. shim procedure diagram a.
figure 80. shim procedure diagram B.