3.2 Gobo Installation
To facilitate the operation, it is suggested, when possible, to fit the gobos before installing the
module into the unit.
The gobos are fixed into the rotative gears by an elastic ring.
To proceed with the installation, remove the elastic ring by
means of a screwdriver and fit the gobo into the apposite seat
(pict. 4). The gobo - which can be either metallic or dichroic -
must be Ø53,3 mm. The image size is Ø40 mm.
To provide the image being projected with colour, a dichroic
filter Ø53,3 mm can be fitted along with a metallic gobo. In
this case, if some of the gobos are not provided with a dich-
roic filter, it is necessary to position one of the 4 standard spa-
cers as per B pict.5.
Note: keep the bend of the elastic ring towards the gobo as
shown in pict.4 (A).
To replace a gobo, slightly press the gobo towards the direc-
tion indicated by the arrow (pict. 4) until the gobo and the ela-
stic ring get out of their seat in the gear.