A multimeter is a tool used for electrical measurements and diagnostics. It is one of those
tools you'll never regret purchasing as it has many uses on an ebike for diagnostics and
also beyond that for more general usage around the home. Most standard multimeters will
have the ability to measure resistance in ohms ( ), voltage in volts (V) and current in amps
(A). Some also have a "diode" or "continuity" mode useful for testing for shorts. If an ebike
stops working it is the go-to tool for figuring out why (and the Cycle Analyst can be a pretty
handy tool as well!).
JST-SM Series connectors are for smaller wires
carrying lower currents - such as those for the throttle
connection and Cycle Analyst. They come in different
sizes (number of pins in the housing) and have a male
and female side.
JST-SM Series Connectors:
Pedelec stands for "pedal-electric" - it refers to
bicycles that provide electrical assistance (via a motor) in response to the user's pedalling.
A bicycle that is throttle controlled from the handlebars would therefore not qualify as a
"pedelec" bicycle.