#4500 User’s Manual
Page 13
Water Quality Fundamentals (continued):
Water Treatment
The first step to any chemical treatment of water is to determine if any change in water chemistry is necessary.
Because CRYOTherm’s water is continuously refreshed with normal use and completely replaced at least weekly by
the user, you may find that chemical treatment of the water is not warranted. If routine testing shows values that are
not within acceptable ranges, chemical adjustment may be needed.
We have found that pH is the most important factor. When pH is in ideal range, all other factors tend to fall in line. If
you are having trouble maintaining an ideal pH, you may first need to adjust Total Alkalinity which serves as a buffer
to resist changes to pH levels.
Follow these guidelines after filling the CRYOTherm:
If there is a known water source problem the water should be treated first pursuant to an established protocol
to remove the potentially harmful contaminants.
Your Grimm representative can assist you with establishing proper protocol.
If Total Alkalinity (TA) is not in ideal range adjust it first.
SpaPure Alkalinity Increaser
Adjust pH once TA is within ideal range and stabilized
High pH
– adjust with
SpaPure pH Down
Low pH
– adjust with
SpaPure pH Up
If using a sanitizer, add sanitizer only after TA and pH are within ideal ranges and stable, this will assure it
works most effectively and reduce the amount you need to use.
Treat water with
ORB-3 Spa Enzyme No Foam
approximately 30 minutes after introducing sanitizer.
When u
sing chemicals always read the labels and strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding
dosage, handling, storage, and disposal. All of the products needed to comply with these recommendations can be
purchased directly from Grimm Scientific.
Sanitizers that are part of the chemical family known as halogens are the most commonly utilized method of water
disinfection. These products kill microorganisms, including bacteria, by attacking their cell walls through oxidation.
They destroy the enzymes and structures inside these cells, which renders them harmless. Chlorine and Bromine are
the most widely used sanitizers and come in various forms.
Chlorine is probably the most recognized water treatment. Typically added to water in a granular form, it is an
effective sanitizer for all applications. It is important to maintain chlorine concentration to within acceptable
Bromine is another effective sanitizer, it is preferred by some because it is less likely to produce odors and
skin irritation. Bromine is considered the best sanitizer for warm water applications since it does not dissipate
rapidly. Using bromine tablets in a floating dispenser is a simple and effective way
Factors to consider when choosing the best disinfectant to use in your CRYOTherm and the best method of
application are:
Water temperature
Usage load
Source water chemistry
Chemical storage and safety concerns
Supervision and maintenance concerns