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In normal operation the device reads the CO
, RH, and temperature sensors and updates the register
values accordingly. The LCD displays the sensor values as determined by the display mode register.
If the device has the optional Up/Down set-point switches installed, pressing either the <UP> or
<DOWN> keys will cause the LCD to change to show the set-point value. The first key press will display
the current setting of the Up/Down control from 0 to 100% (default). The display will show "Setpoint
- xx%" for about 5 seconds and then revert back to the sensor values again if neither the <UP>
or<DOWN> keys are pressed again. To increase the set-point, press the <UP> key while the LCD is in
set-point mode and each press will increase the set-point by 10% up to the 100% maximum value. To
decrease the set-point, press the <DOWN> key while the LCD is in set-point mode and each press will
decrease the set-point by 10% down to the 0% minimum value. After 5 seconds of no key activity, the
display will revert back to normal and the new set-point value will be saved. The setpoint units may be
changed as described in the menu section.
If the device has the optional Override switch installed, pressing the <OVERRIDE> key will cause the LCD
to change to show the override status. The display will show "Override - ON" for about 5 seconds and
then revert back to the sensor values again. The override cannot be turned OFF with the switch, it must
be reset via the Modbus Overridde_Switch_Reset Register.
The menu has several items as shown below. To enter the menu, press and release the <MENU> key
while in normal operation. This will enter the Setup Menu, pressing the <MENU> key a second time
advances to the next menu item. The <UP> and <DOWN> keys are used to make changes to program
variables by scrolling through the available options. When a value is changed, use the <SAVE> key to
save it to memory and advance to the next menu item. No values are saved using the <MENU> key.
Setup Menu operation is explained below, the factory default values are shown. Note that items that are
not applicable to the hardware configuration are skipped on the device's setup.
Press and release the <MENU> key to enter the Setup Menu.
Addr 01
Press the <UP> or <DOWN> keys to select a unique slave address from 1-255. Press
the <SAVE> key to save the change.
Press to advance to next menu item
Use the <UP> or <DOWN> keys to select a baud rate of 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800 or 115200.. Press <SAVE> key to save the
Press to advance to next menu item
Mod Mode
Use the <UP> or <DOWN> keys to toggle between RTU and ASCII modes. Press the
<SAVE> key to save the change. The factory default Modbus transmission mode is
Press to advance to next menu item
Parity N
Use the <UP> or <DOWN> keys to select a parity value of N (none), O (odd), or
E (even). Press the save key to save the change.
Press to advance to next menu item
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