10 of 25
removing all signals from the
unit, and adjusting until the
meter is at "0"
Limiter Tip In
Because the Mu of the
tubes employed in the
manufacture of the device
vary significantly, we must
provide for adjustment of
the gain cell transconduc-
tance point. Adjustment of
the unit is accomplished as
Feed in a steady tone
of any amplitude.
Adjust the input sel-
ector and trim so the
input meter reads "0"
Depress the "Gain re-
duction Bypass" switch
Select Output metering
on the Audio Meter
Adjust the output trim
so that the Audio LED
meter reads "0"(Yellow
LED is lit)
Set the threshold con-
trol to fully Clockwise.
Insert the gain re-
duction by depressing
the gain reduction by-
pass switch.
Adjust the Gain Cell
Tip in so that the audio
remains at "0" and
does not change level
Input meter select
This switch determines the
source for the Audio Meter-
ing. When depressed, me-
tering of the input gain stage
is accomplished, and when it
is out the meter is looking at
the output of the unit as it
feeds the outside world. "0"
is equal to +4 dbu
Gain Reduction bypass
This switch hard bypasses
the gain cell by completely
cutting it off. This is
accomplished by driving the
cathode to >6 volts above the
grid, (Clamped by zener
5 presets are provided for
your ease of use and listening
enjoyment. The Presets on
the top of the selector switch
provide an alternate setting
to each of them to allow you
to trim the values of attack,
release and ratio. The bottom
settings bypass the front
panel adjustment. (The
threshold is always available
for your amusement.)
Additional presets are avail-
able from the manufacturer
on plug in cards in the
PCMCIA size format. Cus-
tom presets are available as
well. Contact your dealer for
The point the limiting is
initiated is set with this large
and sexy control. The range
of limiting is adjustable from
-40 to +20 ref. +4
Gain Cell Clip