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as “white finger” (Raynaud’s phenomenon). In order to reduce the risk of white finger/toe disease, it is necessary 
to take these recommendations into account:



Always wear gloves.



Always be sure your hands stay warm.



Take frequent breaks.



Always hold the machine firmly by the handles.


If you detect some of the symptoms of white finger/toe disease, consult your doctor immediately.



Do not use this machine in an explosive atmosphere in the presence of flammable liquids, gases and dust. Electric 
machines create sparks that can ignite dust or fumes.


The area within a radius of 15 metres around the machine must be considered a hazardous area in which no one 
should enter while the machine is running (safety area). When necessary, use ropes and warning signs to mark 
the safety zone. Keep children and curious people away while operating this machine. Distractions can cause 
you to lose control.


When work must be performed simultaneously by two or more people, always check the presence and location 
of the others in order to maintain sufficient distance between each person to ensure safety.


Keep the work area clean and work in good lighting. Only use this machine in daylight or with good artificial 
lighting. Do not use this machine at night, in fog or in poor visibility that does not allow you to see clearly the 
work area. 


Check the working area before you mow the lawn and remove any objects (stones, wood, etc.) that may be 
thrown by the mower or otherwise damage it.


After hitting a foreign object, stop the engine. Inspect the mower thoroughly for any damage.



Use this machine, accessories, tools, etc. in accordance with these instructions and in the manner intended, 
taking into account the working conditions and the work to be performed.


Check that all the safety elements are installed and in good condition.


Do not force this machine. Use this machine for the correct application. Using the correct machine for the type 
of work to be done will allow you to work better and safer.


Carry out regular maintenance of the machine. Do not attempt any maintenance or repair work that is not 
described in the instruction manual. We recommend that maintenance and repairs not described in this manual 
be carried out exclusively by the Official Technical Service.


Do not clean the machine with solvents, flammable liquids or hard abrasives.


Inspect the machine before each use and check that it is not misaligned, that there are loose or jammed parts, 
or that there is no wear or damage that could affect its proper operation. If the machine is damaged, have it 
repaired by an authorised technical centre before using it again.


Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Good maintenance of cutting tools reduces the likelihood of incidents by 
making them easier to control.


Spare parts must be original to ensure that the equipment is safe.


Keep the handlebars of this machine dry and clean. Greasy or oily handlebars are slippery and cause loss of 
control over the machine.


Store inactive tools out of the reach of children.

Summary of Contents for GGT200L

Page 1: ...ES Manual de instrucciones FR Manuel d utilisation IT Manuale di istruzioni EN Instruction manual DE Betriebsanleitung DESBROZADORA D BROUSSAILLEUSE DECESPUGLIATORE BRUSHCUTTER FREISCHNEIDER GGT200L...

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Page 3: referencia futura Si vende este producto recuerde entregar este manual al nuevo propietario NORMAS Y PRECAUCIONES DE SEGURIDAD Los siguientes s mbolos y palabras de se alizaci n tienen el objetivo...

Page 4: ...das las llaves o herramientas de mano de la zona de trabajo antes de arrancar esta m quina Una llave o herramienta que se encuentre cerca puede ser tocada por una parte de la m quina en movimiento y p...

Page 5: zona de trabajo Compruebe el rea de trabajo antes de cortar el c sped y quite cualquier objeto piedras maderas etc que pueda ser lanzado por el cortac sped o de lo contrario podr a da arlo Despu s...

Page 6: ...ater a Guarde la bater a en un lugar seco entre 10 C y 30 C cuando no est en uso Esta bater a est sellada y no debe salir nunca l quido de su interior Si el sellado se estropea y el l quido toca su pi...

Page 7: ...ctrocuci n Nunca proyecte agua hacia herramientas el ctricas y cables el ctricos Las personas que no est n debidamente protegidas deben estar a una distancia de seguridad Mantega a los ni os alejados...

Page 8: ...rontal 5 Anillo de ajuste del eje 6 Bloqueo de la rotaci n del cabezal 7 Bloqueo inclinaci n cabezal 8 Cabezal de corte 9 Carrete 10 Cubierta de seguridad 11 Rueda de canteado 12 Luces de control 13 C...

Page 9: las caracter sticas t cnicas sin previo aviso CONTENIDO DE LA CAJA 1 Desbrozadora 2 Bater a x2 3 Cargador 4 Manual de instrucciones Extraiga el producto y los accesorios de la caja Aseg rese de qu...

Page 10: de que la manija encaje en una posici n de bloqueo INSTALAR LA BATER A NOTA La bater a debe cargarse alrededor de 60min antes de la primera puesta en marcha 1 Presione el bot n de bloqueo y quite l...

Page 11: ...oste telesc pico a la longitud deseada 3 Vuelva a apretar el anillo de ajuste del eje 5 AJUSTE DEL NGULO DEL CABEZAL DE CORTE 1 Presione y mantenga el bot n de bloqueo 11 2 Incline el cabezal de corte...

Page 12: ...n o mantenimiento en la parte inferior de la cubierta evitando inclinarla para que no se derrame combustible o aceite Utilice un pa o ligeramente h medo agua y un detergente suave para la limpieza Ase...

Page 13: ...ciclado homologado punto verde Los materiales utilizados en el embalaje de la m quina son reciclables por favor t relos en el contenedor adecuado ATENCI N Lleve la bater a a un centro local de recicla...

Page 14: ...e mayo de 2006 relativa a las m quinas y por la que se modifica la Directiva 95 16 CE Directiva 2014 35 UE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 26 de febrero de 2014 sobre la armonizaci n de las le...

Page 15: ...t rieure Si vous vendez ce produit n oubliez pas de remettre ce manuel au nouveau propri taire R GLES ET PR CAUTIONS DE S CURIT Les symboles et les mots indicateurs suivants ainsi que leur significati...

Page 16: ...u ou sous l influence de drogues d alcool ou de m dicaments Retirez toutes les cl s ou outils main de la zone de travail avant de mettre en marche cette machine Une cl ou un outil se trouvant proximit...

Page 17: ...ou dans une visibilit r duite qui ne vous permet pas de voir clairement la zone de travail V rifiez la zone de travail avant de tondre et retirez tout objet pierres bois etc qui pourrait tre projet p...

Page 18: ...i rement attention la batterie Conservez la batterie dans un endroit sec entre 10 C et 30 C lorsqu elle n est pas utilis e Cette batterie est scell e et aucun liquide ne devrait jamais s en chapper Si...

Page 19: ...d humidit Danger d lectrocution Ne jamais projeter d eau sur les outils lectriques et les c bles lectriques Les personnes qui ne sont pas correctement prot g es devraient tre une distance de s curit...

Page 20: ...ballage comme indiqu ou d crit ici 1 Interrupteur ON OFF 2 Bouton de verrouillage de s curit 3 Poign e sup rieure 4 R glage de la poign e frontale 5 Bague de r glage de l arbre 6 Blocage de la rotatio...

Page 21: de modifier les caract ristiques techniques sans pr avis CONTENU DE LA BO TE 1 D broussailleuse 2 Batterie x2 3 Chargeur 4 Manuel d instructions Retirer le produit et les accessoires de la bo te As...

Page 22: ...e s enclenche dans une position de verrouillage INSTALLER LA BATTERIE NOTE La batterie doit tre charg e environ 60 minutes avant le premier d marrage 1 Appuyez sur le bouton de verrouillage et retirez...

Page 23: ...z la perche t lescopique la longueur d sir e 3 Resserrez la bague de r glage de l arbre 5 R GLAGE DE L ANGLE DE LA T TE DE COUPE 1 Appuyez sur le bouton de verrouillage et maintenez le enfonc 11 2 Inc...

Page 24: ...ontr le ou de l entretien de la partie inf rieure du couvercle en vitant de l incliner pour viter que du carburant ou de l huile ne se r pande Utilisez un chiffon l g rement humide de l eau et un d te...

Page 25: ...s Ses composants en plastique et en m tal peuvent tre s par s et recycl s Portez cet appareil dans un centre de recyclage agr point vert Les mat riaux utilis s dans l emballage de la machine sont recy...

Page 26: ...ive aux machines et modifiant la directive 95 16 CE Directive 2014 35 UE du Parlement europ en et du Conseil du 26 f vrier 2014 relative l harmonisation des l gislations des tats membres concernant la...

Page 27: ...te questo prodotto ricordatevi di consegnare questo manuale al nuovo proprietario NORME E PRECAUZIONI DI SICUREZZA I seguenti simboli e parole chiave e il loro significato hanno lo scopo di spiegare i...

Page 28: ...uenza di droghe alcool o farmaci Rimuovere tutte le chiavi o gli utensili manuali dall area di lavoro prima di avviare la macchina Una chiave o un utensile nelle vicinanze pu essere toccato da una par...

Page 29: ...l area di lavoro Controllare l area di lavoro prima di falciare e rimuovere eventuali oggetti pietre legno ecc che potrebbero essere lanciati dalla falciatrice o danneggiarla Dopo aver colpito un ogge...

Page 30: ...ione alla batteria Conservare la batteria in un luogo asciutto tra i 10 C e i 30 C quando non viene utilizzata Questa batteria sigillata e da essa non deve mai fuoriuscire alcun liquido Se il sigillo...

Page 31: ...o di folgorazione Non proiettare l acqua verso strumenti elettrici e cavi elettrici Le persone che non sono protette in modo adeguato devono stare ad una distanza di sicurezza Mantenga i bambini lonta...

Page 32: ...mostrati o qui descritti 1 Interruttore ON OFF 2 Pulsante di blocco di sicurezza 3 Maniglia superiore 4 Regolazione della maniglia anteriore 5 Anello di regolazione dell albero 6 Bloqueo de la rotaci...

Page 33: le specifiche dell apparato senza preavviso CONTENUTO DELLA SCATOLA 1 Decespugliatore 2 Batteria x2 3 Caricabatterie 4 Manuale di istruzioni Rimuovere il prodotto e gli accessori dalla confezione...

Page 34: ...pulsante e assicurarsi che la maniglia si agganci in posizione di bloccaggio INSTALLARE LA BATTERIA NOTA La batteria dovrebbe essere caricata circa 60min prima del primo avvio 1 Premere il pulsante di...

Page 35: palo telescopico alla lunghezza desiderata 3 Serrare nuovamente l anello di regolazione dell albero 5 REGOLAZIONE DELL ANGOLO DELLA TESTA DI TAGLIO 1 Premere e tenere premuto il pulsante di blocco...

Page 36: manutenzione della parte inferiore del coperchio evitando di inclinarla in modo che non si verifichino fuoriuscite di carburante o di olio Per la pulizia utilizzare un panno leggermente umido acqua...

Page 37: separati e riciclati Porti questo dispositivo in un centro di riciclaggio omologato punto verde I materiali utilizzati per l imballaggio della macchina sono riciclabili per favore li depositi nel c...

Page 38: 2006 relativa alle macchine e che modifica la direttiva 95 16 CE rifusione Direttiva 2014 35 UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 26 febbraio 2014 concernente l armonizzazione delle legisl...

Page 39: ...ep this instruction manual for future reference If you sell this product remember to give this manual to the new owner SAFETY RULES AND PRECAUTIONS The following symbols and signal words and their mea...

Page 40: ...all keys or hand tools from the work area before starting this machine A key or tool that is nearby may be touched by a moving part of the machine and be projected causing personal injury Avoid uninte...

Page 41: ...may be thrown by the mower or otherwise damage it After hitting a foreign object stop the engine Inspect the mower thoroughly for any damage CARE TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE OF THE MACHINE Use this mac...

Page 42: ...e the battery in a dry place between 10 C and 30 C when not in use This battery is sealed and no liquid should ever leak from it If the seal is broken and the liquid touches your skin quickly wash wit...

Page 43: tools and power cords People who are not properly protected should be at a safe distance Keep children away from the machine Before starting the machine remove all stones wood cables and foreign ob...

Page 44: manual may vary in appearance inclusions description and packaging as shown or described here 17 3 5 9 10 12 13 14 16 15 11 19 18 1 ON OFF switch 2 Security lock button 3 Upper handle 4 Front handl...

Page 45: ...l characteristics without prior notice BOX CONTENTS 1 Brushcutter 2 Battery x2 3 Charger 4 Instruction manual Remove the product and accessories from the box carefully Make sure all the items listed a...

Page 46: ...the handle engages in a locking position INSTALLING THE BATTERY NOTE The battery should be charged about 60 minutes before the first start 1 Press the lock button and remove the battery from the devi...

Page 47: ...ent ring 5 2 Pull the telescopic pole to the desired length 3 Retighten the shaft adjustment ring 5 CUTTING HEAD ANGLE ADJUSTMENT 1 Press and hold the lock button 11 2 Tilt the cutting head 10 to the...

Page 48: ...checking or maintaining the lower part of the cover avoiding tilting it so that fuel or oil does not spill Use a slightly damp cloth water and a mild detergent for cleaning Make sure that all ventila...

Page 49: ...nd metal components can be separated and recycled Take this device to an approved recycling centre green point Package materials are recyclables Please throw them away on the appropriate trash can ATT...

Page 50: ...on machinery and amending Directive 95 16 EC Directive 2014 35 EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to th...

Page 51: diese Bedienungsanleitung zum sp teren Nachschlagen auf Wenn Sie dieses Produkt verkaufen denken Sie daran dieses Handbuch dem neuen Besitzer zu bergeben SICHERHEITSBESTIMMUNGEN UND VORSICHTSMA NAH...

Page 52: ...rwenden Sie dieses Ger t nicht wenn Sie m de sind oder unter dem Einfluss von Drogen Alkohol oder Medikamenten stehen Entfernen Sie alle Schl ssel oder Handwerkzeuge aus dem Arbeitsbereich bevor Sie d...

Page 53: ...Sie den Arbeitsbereich sauber und arbeiten Sie bei guter Beleuchtung Verwenden Sie dieses Ger t nur bei Tageslicht oder bei guter k nstlicher Beleuchtung Verwenden Sie dieses Ger t nicht bei Nacht be...

Page 54: ...h digte oder verschlungene Kabel erh hen das Risiko eines Stromschlags Betreiben Sie das Batterieladeger t nicht im Freien Trennen Sie das Ladeger t von der Stromquelle wenn es nicht in Gebrauch ist o...

Page 55: ...n Stromschlaggefahr Niemals Wasser auf Elektrowerkzeuge und Netzkabel projizieren Personen die nicht ausreichend gesch tzt sind sollten sich in sicherer Entfernung aufhalten Halten Sie Kinder von dies...

Page 56: ...n Aussehen Einschl ssen Beschreibung und Verpackung von den hier gezeigten oder beschriebenen Produkten abweichen 17 3 5 9 10 12 13 14 16 15 11 19 18 1 ON OFF Schalter 2 Knopf f r Sicherheitssperre 3...

Page 57: ...ndigung zu ndern BOX INHALT 1 B rstenschneider 2 Batterie x2 3 Ladeger t 4 Bedienungsanleitung Nehmen Sie das Produkt und das Zubeh r aus der Verpackung Stellen Sie sicher dass alle Artikel vorhanden...

Page 58: ...sicher dass der Griff in einer Verriegelungsposition einrastet DIE BATTERIE INSTALLIEREN NOTIZ Die Batterie sollte ca 60min vor dem ersten Start geladen werden 1 Dr cken Sie den Verriegelungsknopf und...

Page 59: ...Teleskopstange auf die gew nschte L nge 3 Ziehen Sie den Welleneinstellring 5 wieder fest EINSTELLUNG DES SCHNEIDKOPFWINKELS 1 Dr cken und halten Sie die Verriegelungstaste 11 2 Neigen Sie den Schneid...

Page 60: ...jedem Gebrauch um beste Leistung und Haltbarkeit zu gew hrleisten Es wird empfohlen die Maschine anzuheben wenn der untere Teil der Abdeckung berpr ft oder gewartet wird wobei ein Kippen der Abdeckung...

Page 61: ...neKunststoff undMetallkomponenten k nnen getrennt und recycelt werden Bringen Sie dieses Ger t zu einem zugelassenen Recyclingzentrum gr ner Punkt Die f r die Verpackung der Maschine verwendeten Mater...

Page 62: ...7 Mai 2006 ber Maschinen und zur nderung der Richtlinie 95 16 EG Richtlinie 2014 35 EU des Europ ischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26 Februar 2014 zur Harmonisierung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgl...

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Page 64: ...www greencut es Manual revisado en diciembre de 2020...
