of 82
When fitting the new electrode, be sure to retract the safety cap enough
to allow thread engagement. The safety cap may have pushed the gasket
upwards, and this will cause the thread not to engage properly. Ensure that
there is water inside the measuring chamber before the electrode cap is
removed and before the sensor is mounted into its measuring chamber.
Figure 6.2: pH electrode installation
6.6 Moving average
A moving average strainer function is applied to all sensor signals to remove
sudden peaks. The filter function calculates the mean value of the signal
over a given time. Maximum mean time is 20 seconds. To deactivate this
function, enter a 0 in the moving average input area, refer to Figure 4.7.
6.7 Alarms & warnings
Alarms and warnings and their associated messages are displayed in a list.
Refer to Figure 6.3. The alarm screen displays the active alarm time, date
and alarm acknowledged time and date. Alarms that have been reset or
automatically removed can be viewed in the historical alarm log.
Alarm messages contain information regarding specific alarms. Refer
to section 10 regarding troubleshooting if the alarm is not automatically