Water Monitoring System
User Manual
of 82
Ver. 1.1 – Revision March 2022
5.3.3 Web viewer (VNC)
The WMS can be connected with an external display, monitor, or PC.
This function is available per default and can be accessed from a browser
on a PC connected to the system.
Please note that even though this function supports all functions on the
HMI, it is not advisable to control all functions remotely, for example,
validation procedures and most service/maintenance tasks should not
be carried out remotely. When using remote control, always proceed with
To use the web viewer, a network must be connected to the “remote
connection” port (refer to the electrical documentation to see the location of
the port). After connecting the network, the IP address of the HMI must be
configured. To do this the user must access the HMI menu. This is done by
pressing screen corner 1 and then pressing the diagonally opposite screen
corner 2. Repeat this until the menu opens. Figure 5.2 shows which screen
corners to press.
Figure 5.2: HMI
When the menu opens, scroll down to ethernet 2 and enter a suitable IP
address and subnet mask. When finished, press “save and reboot”. The
user can now open a browser on a PC connected to this network. Enter the
following into the URL line:
“HMI IP-address” + “port number” + “Webviewer/index.html”
If the connection is successful, a screen will appear and you will be required
to enter a user name and password to log in to the Web Viewer. The Web
Viewer requires that the user has Level 2 access. Refer to Figure 4.4.