Air Source Heat Pump Water Heater
5 Debugging for the complete unit
When the waterway system and the electric wires for air source water heater
are installed well, please check the unit according to below table.
Table 5-1 Check table for the unit
Check items
If the unit is not installed properly, it may
cause below circumstances
Check whether the water heater is installed
The unit may rave about, vibrate or give out
Check whether there
’re obstacles at the air
inlet and air outlet?
The unit can
’t operate normally.
Check whether there
’s proper insulated
pipeline for the pipe of water tank?
There may be the risk for safety.
Check whether the insulation measure is
conducted well for the water pipeline?
It may affect the performance of unit and
the pipeline damage be frozen up.
Check whether the power voltage is same
as that on nameplate?
There may be malfunction for the unit or
parts may be burnt out.
Whether the model of electric wire
complies with the regulation?
There may be malfunction for the unit or
parts may be burned out.
Check whether the water inlet pipeline is
installed with safety device?
The operation pressure for the water tank is
high and there
’s the risk of safety.
Check whether the water replenishing
pressure for tap water is too high?
The operation pressure for the water tank is
too high. If the unit is generating water
successively, there will be abnormal sound.
When the water replenishing pressure is
high, check whether the pressure
stabilizeing valve is installed on the water
inlet pipeline?
The operation pressure for the water tank is
too high. If the unit is generating water
successively, there will be abnormal sound.
Check whether the earth wire for the water
heater is reliable?
There may be the risk of safety.
When above items are OK, please debug the unit for the complete unit. The
debugging procedure is as below:
(1) Add water for the water tank: Add water for the water tank according to 9.1 or
the mark on the water tank, and then check whether there
’s water leakage for
the pipeline and joint. As for the initial installation, it must be operates by
installor. If user operates it again after discharging water, it also needs to add