1. Secure a 6” [152mm] extension to each of your aileron
servos with tape or heat-shrink tubing. Use the strings in the
wings to pull the leads through into the cockpit area.
2. Use hot-melt glue to glue the servos into the wing
cutouts with the output shafts forward.
3. Secure 12” [305mm] extensions to your elevator and
rudder servos using tape or heat shrink tubing. Use the string in
the fuselage to pull both servo leads into the cockpit area.
4. Glue the tail servos into the cutout in the fuselage with
hot-melt glue. Both servos should have their output shafts
toward the front of the airplane, and the lower servo should
project out the left side of the plane, while the upper servo
projects out the right side.
5. Cut a slot in the left elevator half in the location shown.
The front of the slot is just aft of the carbon tube. The plane
is shown here upside down.
6. Cut a slot in the rudder in the location shown. The front
of the slot is even with the start of the hinge bevel on
the rudder.
7. Cut a slot in each aileron in the location shown. The
front of the slots are even with the start of the hinge bevels
on the ailerons.
Set Up the Radio System