4. Install the four-armed metal bracket to the bottom of the
fuselage with two #4 x 1/2" [12.7mm] sheet metal screws.
5. There are four 6" [152mm] and four 9-3/4" [248mm]
carbon rods, and sixteen brass couplers that form the tail
wires. Using 220 grit sandpaper, lightly sand 1/4" [6.4mm] on
each end of each rod.
6. Apply a small amount of CA glue to the end of the rod.
Insert a brass coupler onto the end of the rod with a slight
twisting motion to help spread the glue in the coupler. Glue a
brass coupler to both ends of each of the eight carbon rods.
Allow the glue to thoroughly harden.
7. Install a 2-56 nut, silicon clevis keeper and a 2-56 metal
clevis onto each of the threaded couplers.
8. Attach the long rods between the fi n and the top of the
stab and install the shorter rods to the bottom of the stab and
the bottom of the fuselage. Adjust each rod so they are snug.
Back the nuts away from the clevis. Apply a drop of thread
locker to the threads and then tighten the nuts against the
clevis. Do this for all of the connectors. Once the nuts have
all been tightened against the clevis, slide the silicone clevis
keeper over the clevises.
Install the Wheels, Wheel Pants,
and Tail Wheel Assembly
❏ ❏
1. Install a bolt-on axle into the hole in the landing gear.
Apply thread locker to the threads of the axle. Then secure
the axle with the axle bolt. Be sure when installing the axle
that the fl at spot on the axle is facing the bottom of the
landing gear.