glue the horizontal stab to the fuselage by wicking thin CA
into the joint. Do this on both the top and bottom of the
horizontal stab.
5. Insert a hinge into each of the
and horizontal
stab hinge slots, checking to be sure the hinge fits easily
into the slot. If any of the hinge slots is too tight for the hinge,
clean out the hinge slot with a #11 blade. Drill a 5/64" [2mm]
hole in the leading edge of each elevator for the elevator
joiner wire.
6. Insert the hinges into the slots in the horizontal stab. If
the hinges do not remain centered, stick a pin through the
middle of the hinge to hold it in position. Insert each half of the
elevator onto the hinges and the elevator joiner wire in the
horizontal stab. Remove the pins and then apply six drops of
thin CA to each of the hinges.
7. Insert the vertical fin into the slot in the fuselage. Trace
the outline of the fuselage onto the fin. Cut the covering from
the fin the same as was done with the horizontal stab.
8. Check to be sure the vertical fin is perpendicular to the
horizontal stab. When satisfied with the positioning of the
vertical fin, wick thin CA into the slot.
9. Once the thin CA glue has cured, position the front of
the fin so that it is centered on the fuselage. Wick a
amount of thin CA between the fin and the fuselage. There
is no need to remove any covering from the fuselage when
applying the glue.
1. Cut the covering from the left side of the fuselage for
elevator pushrod opening
2. Install a nylon clevis onto the Z-bend of the 1 x 508mm
pushrod wire.
Install the Elevator Pushrods & Servo