GRAVITY Xcend light
EN REV.V01 - 2020
The use of the GRAVITY Xcend light poses certain dangers of physical injury or death to the
user of this product or third parties. By using the Xcend light you agree to accept all known
and unknown, probable and unlikely risks of any kind of injury. The dangers associated with
practicing this sport can be reduced by internalising the warning and safety requirements
and content stated in the manual and the care required in individual cases, as well as
common sense. The risks inherent in this sport can be largely reduced if you follow both the
maintenance guidelines listed in these instructions for use and common sense.
By concluding the purchase contract for a Gravity Xcend light, you declare your consent to
the following points within the legal requirements: THE DISCLAIMER OF ALL AND
EVERYTHING CLAIMS arising from the use of the GRAVITY Xcend light and either its
components now or in the future against GRAVITY airsports & more GmbH and all other
contractual partners could grow up.
The legal release of GRAVITY airsports & more GmbH and all other contractual partners
from any claims regarding loss, damage, injury or expenditure that you, your closest
relatives and relatives or any other user of your GRAVITY Xcend light can suffer from the
use of the GRAVITY Xcend light result, including the liability resulting from law or contract
on the part of GRAVITY airsports & more GmbH and all other contractual partners in the
manufacture and processing of the GRAVITY Xcend light and all of its components.
With the occurrence of death or occupational disability, all of the provisions of law listed
here come into force and also bind the heirs, closest relatives and next of kin, estate and
asset managers, legal successors and legal representatives. GRAVITY airsports & more
GmbH and all other contractual partners have given no other oral or written representations
and expressly deny that this has been done, with the exception of what is stated here in and
in the GRAVITY Xcend light manual.