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Installing the receiver and LiPo battery
The first step is to connect the servo leads to the receiver; we recommend the
following sequence: speed controller to socket 1, left aileron servo to socket 2
(extension cable 100 mm), left elevator servo to socket 3 (extension cable 180 mm),
rudder servo to socket 4, right aileron servo to socket 5 (extension cable 100 mm),
right elevator servo to socket 6 (extension cable 180 mm). Now use the radio
controller to test all the functions. Caution: After closing the G3.5 connector, the
motor can start; do not touch the propeller!
The figure shows the speed controller and GR-12 HoTT receiver held in place by
hose binders; the LiPo battery is held in place by hook-and-loop cable ties. The photo
also how each wing half is secured by an M 3 screw.
Rudder deflections
The following rudder deflections are recommended, but can be changed as desired.
Ailerons 25 mm in each direction, elevators 25 mm in each direction, rudder 50 mm;
all measured at the inboard or bottom edge of the rudder.
Check the balance with the model in ready to fly condition, meaning with the LiPo
connected. The centre of gravity is 72 mm from the leading edge of the wing. Adjust it
by moving the LiPo battery as needed. Check the centre of gravity by simply
supporting the model under the wing on two fingers. The model should balance level
at the point indicated.
Fly the model for the first time with rudders in the neutral position on a day with little
or no breeze. A smooth runway into the wind is ideal for a ground start. If no runway
is available, start the model by means of a hand start into the wind. Use minimal
aileron and elevator corrections to keep the model in a straight climb. The fine trim is
done via the trim slider below or next to the joysticks. Always land the model flying
directly into wind, with the motor idling but not switched off. Just before touch-down
reduce air speed through careful use of up-elevator. Always land the model flying into