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current flows even when the model is not in use, and in course of time this results in
irreparable damage to the LiPo battery due to deep-discharging.
The DANDY with motor pylon
A useful option if you wish to be able to fly the DANDY from a flat field without using
a towline or bungee system is to install the motor pylon, Order No. 2917 (motor
pylon set not included in the pack).
Slip the prepared motor pylon onto the wing joiner rod until it rests against the wing
root, as shown above. Now fit the other wing panel on the joiner rod until it also
makes contact with the pylon.
Cut a hole about 10 mm in diameter in the former aft of the canopy. The BEC lead
attached to the speed controller passes through this hole to the LiPo flight battery.
Control surface travels
The rudder and elevator travels should be set as follows, in each case measured at
the trailing edge of the control surface and at the inboard end: elevator about 5 mm
up and down, rudder about 25 mm to both sides of centre. The two-position switch for
the Dual Rate function at top right of the MX-10 transmitter can be used to reduce all
the travels by 30%: move the toggle switch back to reduce travels. For the first few
flights we recommend activating the Dual Rate function, i.e. you should fly the model
with reduced travels.