Model helicopters
Model helicopters
Pitch Curve
Channel 1 Throttle
l 1 Tail Rotor
The continued development of model helicopters and
helicopter components, such as gyros, speed governors,
rotor blades etc., has led to the current position where
helicopters are capable of sophisticated 3-D aerobatics.
In contrast, if you are a beginner to helicopter fl ying, you
need a simple set-up so that you can quickly get started
on the initial stages of hovering practice, and then
gradually learn to exploit all the options provided by the
The helicopter program of the
HoTT can cope
with all current model helicopters equipped with 1 … 4
servos for collective pitch control, entirely regardless of
whether they are powered by a fuel-driven or electric
Each model memory can include two fl ight phases
plus auto-rotation, and two fl ight timers are constantly
available. At the same time the screen also displays the
period which has elapsed since the last charge process.
You can return to the correct idle position for the digital
Ch 1 trim simply by pressing a button.
“Dual Rate” and “Exponential” are available for roll,
pitch-axis and tail rotor; they can be coupled together,
programmed and switched on and off, giving two modes
of control.
All the transmitter controls (CTRL) and switches (SW)
can be assigned in almost any way to inputs 5 … 6 in
the “
Transmitter control settings
” menu.
In addition to three linear mixers, which can be assigned
to any functions and can also be switched on and off,
the “
Helicopter mixers
” menu provides fi ve-point curves
for the collective pitch, throttle and tail rotor mixers,
variable separately for each fl ight phase; these provide
non-linear mixer characteristics.
1. Collective pitch
2. Ch 1
3. Ch 1
tail rotor
Such advanced features are not needed by the begin-
ner, who will initially simply set the hover point to coin-
cide with the centre point of the stick arc, and adjust the
collective pitch travel as required.
Moreover the “
Heli mixers
” menu offers additional
set-up options in the “Gyro” line, plus a “
The mixer inputs for collective pitch, roll and pitch-axis
can then be adjusted in the “
Swashplate mixers
” menu.
The throttle limit function in the “
Transmitter control
” menu provides an effective means of starting
the motor in any fl ight phase. By default the proportional
rotary control CTRL 7 is assigned to this input, and this
control function determines the maximum throttle servo
position, i. e. the trim lever controls the motor over the
idle range. Only when this rotary knob is turned in the di-
rection of full-throttle do the programmed throttle curves
take effect. If you have set up the two timers, they also
start recording the fl ight time automatically at this point.
See page 79 for more information on this.
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