the line, review trouble shooting section of
Engine Manual.
Engine dies when steering levers are engaged:
If engine starts and runs but dies when either
steering lever is engaged, check the follow-
ing. Make sure the parking brake is released.
The steering levers cannot be engaged with
the parking brake on. With the key switch
“ON” and the seat switch engaged, check for
ground at the two yellow wires on the seat
switch. If there is ground at one wire but not
the other, either the seat switch is defective
or it is not being activated properly.
If there is ground at both yellow wires on the
seat switch, check for ground at the yellow
wire on the parking brake switch. If there is
no ground, the wire between the seat switch
and the parking brake switch is broken. If
there is ground at the yellow wire, check
for ground at the white wire. If there is no
ground at the white wire, the parking brake
switch is defective and must be replaced.
NOTE: These tests must be performed with
an accurate voltmeter. Do not use a test light;
the amperage in this circuit is too low to prop-
erly light a test light. This circuit is the ground
side of relay A.
To remove engine, disconnect: battery, fuel line,
electrical wires from engine, throttle and fl ex
coupling connected to coupling hub. Remove
the four engine mount bolts to the frame and
drive belts from clutch sheave. The engine can
now be lifted out. Consult your local authorized
engine dealer for repairs or repair parts.
Remove the circuit board from the console by
compressing the keeper in each of the three
circuit board support spacers with needle nose
pliers (refer to Fig. 7). Slide the board past each
keeper when it is compressed.
Spacer - Circuit Board Support
Part no. 423690
Needle Nose
Console Side
Circuit Board
Fig. 7
0 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 8
Disconnect the left brake linkage rod and adjust
the linkage pin attached to the right brake until it
takes 14 lbs. of pull at the top of the hand lever to
apply the parking brake. Connect the left brake
With both brakes connected it should take 28
lbs. of pull at the top of the hand lever to apply
(Refer to Fig. 8 and illustration page 35.)
Adjust the right and left brake individually. Dis-
connect the right brake linkage rod (item 37).
Adjust the linkage pin attached to the left brake
until it takes 14 lbs. of pull at the top of the hand
lever to apply the parking brake. Adjustment
of brake linkage arm (item 43) may also be re-
quired. Connect the right brake linkage.