Release Summary
What's new in version 7.1.0
Version 7.1.0
Windows 7 support
The Aurora Edit client supports the Windows 7 operating
system for 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
Installing or updating SNFS and Generic iSCSI
SNFS and Generic iSCSI
les no longer bundled together. Check the Version Compatibility section to
determine the version compatible with your system.
Changes and features in previous releases
The following sections describe changes and features in past releases.
Version 7.0.0
New Look
Like the rest of the Aurora Suite, Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD
now have a new look, which matches the Grass Valley Alloy look and feel.
New terminology
The MediaFrame server will now be referred to as K2
BaseCamp. (The scaled-down version of the Aurora Browse/MediaFrame system
is still referred to as K2 BaseCamp Express.)
Improved Render and Transcode Performance
Due to underlying changes
to the playback architecture, this version of Aurora Edit will perform renders and
transcodes faster than the previous version. Transferred sequences that require
these functions will appear faster to the user, especially with the new class
workstations. The Conform server performance is also improved.
Animated graphics now allowed on graphics track
Aurora Edit 7.0 now
allows for animated graphics to be placed on the graphics track. Due to this change,
previously imported sequential .tga
les will need to be reimported.
New Hot Keys and Keyboard Keycaps
The keyboard layout for Aurora Edit
functions has been modi
ed. A set of color-coded keypad stickers is included with
each Aurora Edit software disk. The keypad sticker set allows any standard keyboard
to be updated to an Aurora Edit keyboard. Also use the stickers to update an existing
Aurora Edit keyboard that already has permanent colored-coded keypads if
Along with the new sticker keycaps, some buttons functions have changed as
described below:
key has changed from
Input Tools
View Metadata
Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions
18 October 2010
Release Summary