3D ProDuction using grass Valley ProDuction switchers
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© Copyright 2010 Technicolor USA, Inc. dba Grass Valley. All rights reserved. Grass Valley, K2 Summit, K2 Solo, ChannelFlex, Kayenne, Kayak, RAMRecorder,
and DoubleTake are trademarks of Technicolor USA, Inc. All other tradenames referenced are service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their
respective companies. Specifications subject to change without notice.
Within the standard software of a Grass
Valley Kayak HD, M/e couple allows
any M/e to be the master of any other.
Simply put, source selection of left-eye
on the first M/e will force selection of
right-eye on the second by the selec-
tion of a 3D source substitution table.
Background and key transitions are
matched across the coupled 3D M/es,
and the result is a massively powerful
3D M/e with up to six keyers and 3D
When using the Kayenne Xl panel,
1,000 macro registers ensure control is
maintained with no extra learning time
for the tD.
iDpM channels, which may optionally be
placed within the four full keyers of each
M/e bank, are easily controlled in pairs or
simultaneously. this means that the tD
uses knowledge gained in 2D production
to easily step into 3D. Again, the Grass
Valley DpM geometry software ensures
that camera rig setup or graphic perspec-
tive is accurately translated inside the
DpM effects with no extra software.
the internal RAMRecorder
, for short
clips, or Media player control of K2
Summit or K2 Solo media servers,
again allows the high production value
of graphics to be used with no extra
software or training. thumbnails of both
internal and external clips as well as
RAMRecorder stills speed up opera-
tions. Replay wipes rendered in 3D can
be played out as two key/fill pairs in
parallel from the internal RAMRecorder,
allowing a manual fader controlled replay
By slaving M/es using M/e couple, a
powerful 3D 2 M/e Kayak HD system
built from a 4 M/e frame allows produc-
tion teams to go to air with no compro-
mises and no extra software or training.
For even smaller systems or to save
hardware resources—depending on your
system—a 3D production can be accom-
plished in one physical Mix effect bank.
For detailed setup or more information
please contact your regional Grass Valley
technical Sales Support person.
Grass Valley switchers have been delivering the highest level of 3D production values paired with easy operation. Using the
experience that our users continue to share with us, we are moving towards fast-track 3D setup options to further improve our 3D
production support.
Kayak HD’s Approach