Creating Client Certificate
To create a client certificate, follow the below steps:
1. Create Users
○ Navigate to “
Web UI → System Settings → Certificate Management → User
○ Click on
button. The following window will pop up.
Figure 52: User Certificate
Enter User information based on the below descriptions.
Table 17: Client Certificate
2. Create Client Certificate
○ Navigate to “
Web UI → System Settings → Certificate Management → Certificate
○ Click on
button. The following window will pop up.
The server certificates (.crt and .key) will be used by the GWN70xx router when acting as a server.
The server certificates (.crt and .key) can be exported and used on another OpenVPN® server
Click on "
" to enable the user.
Full Name
Choose full name to identify the users.
User Name
Choose username to distinguish user’s certificate.
Enter user password for each username.
OpenVPN Subnet
Used to indicate which networks are located behind the remote device when the user account is used by an
OpenVPN client router to establish a site-to-site VPN.