Accept the calibration with
Calibration is now valid.
Remove the weight from
the measuring head
The Graf Friction Lab 2.9 software is now calibrated correctly.
You can check this by running a measuring test with the weight hanging on the
Measuring head as you can see in the picture of
Step No. 9.7.
With a weight mass of X gram, the measurement curve in the screen must have a
constant value of X/2,04cN
With a weight mass of 1145 gram, the measurement curve in the screen must have a
constant value of 562cN +/- 5cN
Then, please run a measuring test with the measuring head completely unloaded, as
you can see in the picture of step
No. 9.5.
In this case, the measuring curve on the screen must stay at 0cN (zero line).
If you have any doubt that the calibration process has been incorrect, you can perform
this process again without having to reinstall the software
Instruction Manual FRICTION MEASURING SYSTEM CPT/CTC / Version 2.0 – 06.2020