Mobile Lubrication Library
Volvo Excavator Centralized
Lubrication System Installation
Instructions for installing a Graco automatic lubrication system on the
Volvo Excavator Models EC140 to EC480
Maximum System Working Pressure: 3000 psi (20.68 MPa, 206.8 bar)
The lubrication system design described in this manual is based upon representative equipment models. Models may
vary slightly depending on series and year. Additional hoses, fittings, and valve outlet doubling plugs are supplied with
the kits to modify the system based on your model’s specific configuration.
The installation instructions contained in this manual are only a recommendation for an automatic lubrication system.
They are not intended to replace any instructions provided in the OEM manuals. Always refer to the OEM’s manuals for
details on lubrication intervals.
Important Safety Information
Before beginning any installation, read all warnings and instructions in all related Graco component
manuals (page 25) and all related Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) manuals, including the vehi-
cle’s Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM). Save all instructions.
Fluid leaks from incorrectly installed or ruptured compo-
nents, and/or failure to verify the components are prop-
erly installed and tested, can result in serious injury
such as fluid spraying in the eyes or on skin and fluid
injection, or equipment damage.
Welding can damage electronics and the equipment’s
structure. To help prevent equipment damage caused
by welding:
Disconnect the vehicle battery before welding.
Follow all welding guidelines in the OEM manuals,
including the OEM service manuals.
Only weld in locations specifically approved by the
OEM. Consult OEM dealership for information and
Perform all welding in accordance with American
Welding Standard (AWS) standards.