Appendix D
Appendix D
Ethernet Kit 118329
The Ethernet kit for PrecisionFlo LT provides for a way to
communicate with the LT via an industrial or office net-
work. This kit converts the serial (RS232) information
provided in the Graco Shell menu system into Ethernet
packets that can be accessed using TCP/IP networking.
A DIN rail mounted module that has terminal screws for
the RS232 wires as well as a RJ45 port for Ethernet per-
forms the conversion.
The kit comes from the factory pre-wired with the wires
needed to connect to the LT system. The five wires are
labeled with wire numbers that indicate where they
should be located inside of the LT control box. The wir-
ing for the converter module is as follows.
The kit ships with a User’s Guide that provides detailed
instructions on how to configure the conversion module.
The module can be configured using a graphical web
based configuration connection or by using a serial con-
nection to the module. In general, the default settings of
the unit may be used with the following exceptions.
The Baud Rate needs to be changed to 57600
The “End Char” setting needs to be “0x0D”
The dip switches on the outside the box should
be set to “Terminal”. This would be switch #4 on
and all of the other switches are off.
Once the conversion module has been configured, the
Graco Shell menu system (see page 40) for the LT can
be accessed by any computer that exists on the same
network as the LT. The LT will be uniquely identified by
its IP Address. This IP address could be an internal IP
address assigned by your IS department or it could be a
public IP address that will make the system accessible
on the Internet. The module can also be configured to
obtain its IP address automatically from the network that
it is attached to using DHCP. Due to the security implica-
tions and the complexity of setting up a new IP
addresses, the IP address selection and configuration
should be done with the help of an IS professional.
It is important to note that Xmodem and Ymodem do not
work reliably through the Ethernet conversion module.
These protocols are used when selecting the menu
options that “Transfer” or “Restore” files to and from the
LT. The alternative is to use the options that “Dump” the
file to the screen. The data can then be copied to the
Wire function
Wire Number
+24 V
RS232 Transmit
RS232 Receive
RS232 Ground
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