page 11
Turning the rotary encoder counter-clockwise turns this mode OFF, which is indicated by the OL symbol without the decimal
This mode is reset to OFF whenever the m903 is power cycled.
SeleCtinG USb ClaSS 1 or USb ClaSS 2.
This setting determines the whether the m903 acts like a USB class 1 or class 2 audio device. USB class 1 audio mode supports
playback of audio files with sample rates up to 96kHz. For playback of files above 96kHz, you will only need to use the setting for
USB class 2 Audio. For complete details on how to configure your computer for playback over USB, please refer to the ‘computer
setup’ chapter of this manual.
To change this setting:
Push and hold the rotary encoder to enter the setup menu. Now rotate the encoder until you reach the USB class select
menu item, indicated by either the U1 or the U2 symbol in the 7-segment display.
Push and release the encoder to toggle between and select either mode. U1 indicates class 1 USB operation, while U2 indi-
cates class 2 USB operation.
Push and hold the encoder to store the setting and exit the setup menu.
infrareD reMote Control enable
This feature allows the user to disable the infrared remote control operation of the m903. The m903 remote control uses com-
mand codes that are quite obscure, but they are not proprietary. Should interference occur from another manufacturer’s remote
control unit, the remote control operation of the m903 can be turned off to prevent improper operation. The default for this set-
ting is on (remote operation is enabled) and the current status is preserved whenever the m903 is power cycled. To change this
Push and hold the rotary encoder to enter the setup menu. Now rotate the encoder until you reach the IR menu item
Push and release the encoder to toggle on or off the infrared control, which is indicated by the decimal points in the I.R. sym-
bol illuminating (on) or extinguishing (off ) .
Rotate the encoder to navigate to other setup menu items or push and hold to exit the setup menu
DiSPlay DiMMer MoDe
The m903 features bright user interface designed to give you clear operational information. However, situations may exist when
you want to turn off this display while keeping your unit running. This is possible with the display dimmer mode. With the display
dimmer enabled, all the light on the front panel will extinguish after 4 seconds of inactivity. Any change made by the user or
system change (sample rate or s-Lock status) will turn the displays back on for 4 seconds, then again extinguish. Note: the status
of the display dimmer feature mode retained whenever the m903 is power cycled. To change this setting:
Push and hold the rotary encoder to enter the setup menu. Now rotate the encoder until you reach the dd menu item.
Push and release the encoder to toggle on (indicated by the decimal points in the d.d. symbol turned on) or off.
Rotate the encoder to navigate to other setup menu items or push and hold to exit the setup menu.
leVel offSet aDJUSt
With three independently controlled analog outputs (headphones, line 1 and line 2), the m903 is designed to function as a high
performance monitor controller for the professional studio or any type of playback scenario. To enhance its flexibility in integrat-
ing into any playback setup, each output level can be offset by +/- 9.5 dB in .5 dB steps. To adjust each output level offset setting:
Push and hold the rotary encoder to enter the setup menu. Then rotate the encoder until you reach the 3 level offset menu
items, labeled oH (headphones), o1 (line 1) and o2 (line 2).
Once you are at the outputs who’s level offset you wish to change, push and release the encoder to enter the offset level
Rotate the encoder clockwise to increase the offset (0 to 9.) or counterclockwise (0 to -9.) to decrease offset. Note: the decimal
point indicates the .5 dB stop between numbers.
Once you have set your level offset, push and release the encoder to store the setting and return to the setup menu, or push
and hold the encoder to exit the setup menu.