© 2022 GPS Air
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Sensor Data Summary
• Voltage Input: 12-24V AC or DC, for units manufactured prior to 8/1/2020 with serial numbers up to 1500
• Voltage Input: 20-4-V AC or DC, for units manufactured on or after 8/1/2020 and with serial number beginning
with 1500 and above.
• Current: 100mA
• Power: <2 watts
• Sensing Range (ions/cc): 0-10K, 0-100K, 0-1M
• Sensor Output: 0-10VDC
• Polarity Sensing: Positive or Negative, jumper controlled (a BMS can use a binary contact to change polarity
• Temperature Range: -20°F to 140°F
• Humidity Range: 0 to 99% RH, non-condensing
• Maximum impedance between pins 4 and 5 shall not exceed 1 kΩ.