Why is the Athlete mode necessary?
It has been found that body fat estimation using BIA could overestimate the percentage body
fat of adult elite athletes. The physiological variation of athletes in bone density and level of
hydration are two oft he reasons said to accountf or the difference. The Athlete mode is
selectable only for adults 18 years of age or older.
s the d
n of an Athlete?
The general consensus among researchers is that a quantitative dimension could be used to
define an athlete. An athlete is considered to be a person who does 10 hours or more per week
of aerobic activity and has a resting heart rate of 60 beats per minute. These individuals should
select Athlete Mode for the most accurate measurement results. This body fat scale is not
calibrated for professional athletes or body builders.
If I measure my body fat at a
me during the day, it can vary quite considerably.
Which value is correct?
Your body fat percentage reading varies with body water content, and body water content
changes throughoutt he day. There is no right or wrong time of day to take a reading; however,
for best results iti s suggested that you take measurements at a regular time of day, when you
consider your body to be normally hydrated. Avoid taking readings after having a bath or sauna,
following extensive exercise, or within 1-2 hours of drinking in quantity or eating a meal.
My friend has a body fat scale made by another manufacturer. When I used it, I get a
erent body fat reading than when I use my
Body Fat Scale. Why is this?
Different body fat scales take measurements around different parts oft he body and use
different mathematic algorithms to calculate the percentage ofb ody fat. The best advice is not
to make comparisons from one device to another, butt o use the same device each time to
monitor any change.
How do I interpret my body fat percentage readings?
Refer to the section at beginning oft his manual, BODY FAT – WHAT DOES IT MEAN? The table is
a general guide to body fat readings (relative to your age and sex).
Consult your physician for an
interpretation thatt akes your personal health history into consideration.
Why are the body fat percentage ranges for men and women so
Women naturally carry a higher percentage off att han men, because the make-up oft he body
is different being geared towards pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc.