Push and Hold the Increase or Decrease Pressure Adjust
Pushbutton until the desired pressure setting is reached.
The new pressure setting is automatically saved. Close
the faucet and turn power to controller off. Wait 5
minutes before installing the controller access cover.
NOTE: The maximum allowable pressure setting is
85 psi.
Setting the Application Switches
When the unit is powered, the Application
Setting Switches are at a high voltage poten-
tial. DO NOT touch the Application Setting
Switches while the power is on.
The controller has 6 possible Application Settings.
These settings are used to adjust the Minimum Speed
of the motor and the Ramp Setting, or acceleration and
deceleration ramp. This allows the controller to fit a wide
range of applications.
Before adjusting the Application Switches, turn the
circuit breaker and disconnect switch to the off position.
Wait 5 minutes. Remove the controller access cover. On
the inside of the access cover is the Application Switch
Setting Table. See Diagram 6 for details. This table shows
the switch setting needed for the desired system response.
See Diagram 3 for details.
Select a Minimum Speed of 10 Hz if the pressure at the
pump’s suction is within 20 PSI of the desired pressure
setting. Select a Minimum Speed of 30Hz if the pressure
at the pump’s suction is more than 20 PSI below the
desired pressure setting, if pumping from a tank or if
drawing a suction lift.
Changing the Ramp Setting changes how fast the
controller can change the speed of the motor. A Slow
Ramp Setting allows the controller to work better in
applications where the average demand for water is low
(less than 3GPM or about 1 faucet). A Fast Ramp Setting
allows the controller to work better in applications
where the demand for water is high because the motor is
allowed to change speed faster.
NOTE: The Application Switches are preset at the
factory to “0000” or Minimum Speed = 30 Hz, Ramp
Setting = Fast.
Motor Rotation Direction
If the pressure or flow seems low, check motor rotation
direction. Turn the circuit breaker and disconnect
switch to the off position, and wait 5 minutes. Switch
any two leads on the controller output (T1, T2, or T3).
Turn the circuit breaker and disconnect switch to the on
position. Observe pressure and flow. If pressure or flow
still seems low check plumbing.
NOTE: It is possible for the pump to maintain
constant pressure with a low flow or a high positive
suction head even if the pump is rotating backwards.
While the pump is running, use an amp probe on one
of the output power leads connected to the motor and
compare the current draw between the two rotation
directions. The lowest current reading indicates the
pump is running in the correct direction.
System Status
The controller is always powered. A Solid Green Status
Code indicates that the pump is in standby mode (pump
not running) or that the line input voltage is low.
Status Code Indicator Light is not a voltage
indicator! Always turn off disconnect switch
and circuit breaker and wait 5 minutes
before servicing.
A Blinking Green Status Code indicates that the pump
is running. A Blinking or Solid Red Light indicates a
problem with the controller. Refer to the access cover
side panel or Diagram 6 for Status Codes. See Section 9
for more details.