Device Description HG G-19370-B/HG G-19380-B | English, Revision 03 | Date: 05.05.2020
Chapter 6 – Configuration
: These keys allow to increase/decrease the gain of both voltages
: With this key changed gains are permanently stored and used for the evaluation.
: The
defines above which sum level a guide wire is detected.
: At the transition from a guide wire to an energy track there‘s an area where
the guidance can not safely be guaranteed.
Lower unsecure Threshold
upper un
secure Threshold
define this area for the sum signal of the energy track. In this tran
sition area (approx. 10 cm) in the status byte transmitted via the bus the bit
cy insecure
is set.
6.4.4 (3) Encoder Config
Configuration of the mode of the incremental encoder.
Figure 14
Menu Encoder Config
HG 19370 xB V1.01 Encoder Config Goetting KG
Encoder max. Value: 65535
Encoder mode: A
Encoder polarity: Normal
1: Edit max. Value
2: Edit mode
3: Edit polarity
Press any other key to quit