First Time Setup
English, Revision 01, Date: 27.01.2014
You have to observe:
The connected PC should have a fixed IP address. (no DHCP)
The LAN-Interface at the PC must be detected as connected. Check the parame-
ter of the LAN-Interface with the „ipconfig“-command.
If the LAN-Interface of the PC is correctly recognized then press the „refresh“-but-
ton of the UCP-config-program.
An active firewall could prevent the communication to the radio modem.
After the start the UCP-Config-Program ascertained all network interfaces that are ac-
tive at the PC. After this the UCP-Config-Program sends broadcast UDP requests to all
these interfaces. The registered answers of the HG 76342-A devices are shown in a
Figure 8
Screenshot UCP-Config program
All located HG 76342-A devices are shown in a list with their station names, firmware
versions and addresses. The WLAN connection is also shown with a signal quality val-
ue. The value can be interpreted as follows:
very good connection
good connection
connection is OK, the device starts to search for better AP’s
Signal < 20
connection restricted, the bit rates will be lowered
For a more detailed description of the UCP config program
please refer to the separately available manual.
Reset to factory default
The factory default settings can be restored by pressing the reset button located on
the front panel for a period of more than 10 Seconds. While the reset button is pressed,
the “ON”-LED blinks orange more faster. When the radio modem does a restart the de-
fault settings are configured. Now the reset button can be released.