1 Introduction
We are very pleased to offer a high quality, professional grade test instrument, for
carrying out four wire Earth Resistance measurements, as well as specific ground
resistance measurements on which the estimation of earthing quality is based. The
equipment was designed and produced based on many years experience of producing
and dealing with Earth Resistance and Electric installation test equipment.
1.1 General description
The Earth Tester is a professional, hand
–held, battery powered test instrument. It is
intended for carrying out Earth Resistance measurements in accordance with
International standard IEC 60364-6-61 (VDE 0100 Teil 610) and European standard
EN 61557 - 5.
The instrument is supplied with all of the basic accessories necessary for carrying out
the tests.
The electronic section of the Earth Tester is produced in SMD technology, which
requires practically no service intervention. A custom designed LC display offers easy to
read main results as well as subresults, parameters and messages. Application is
simple and clear and the operator does not need to attend any special training (except
to read this Instruction Manual) to operate the instrument.
1.2 Warnings
In order to ensure operator safety while carrying out various measurements and tests
using the Earth Tester, as well as to keep the test equipment undamaged, it is
necessary to consider the following general warnings:
If the test equipment is used in a manner not specified in this Instruction
Manual, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired!
Do not use the instrument and accessories if any damage is noticed!
Service intervention or calibration procedure must only be carried out by a
competent, authorized person!
Never connect the instrument onto high voltage.
Do not charge when alkaline batteries are fitted!
Turn power off and disconnect any measurement accessory connected to
the instrument before opening battery cover.