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Remove the impeller adjusting shims (54). Tie and
tag the shims or measure and record their thick
ness for ease of reassembly.
Diffuser Removal
(Figure 1)
The lower stationary portion of the seal as
sembly (3) will be removed with the diffuser
(1). Use caution not to chip or damage the
seal face.
Carefully slide the diffuser (1) and lower stationary
portion of the seal assembly off the shaft as a unit.
Carefully press the seal seat element and O‐ring
from the diffuser bore.
Remove and discard the intermediate O‐ring (4).
Remove the studs (47) securing the diffuser (1) to
the intermediate (8), and remove the diffuser. Use
caution when removing the diffuser; tension of the
seal spring will be released. Remove and discard
the intermediate O‐ring (4).
If no further disassembly is required, proceed to
the appropriate areas in
Seal Removal
(Figures 1 and 3)
The seal used in this pump has two rotating ele
ments, two stationary elements, and two bellows
assemblies. The mating faces of the rotating and
stationary elements are precision finished and
subject to wear. The complete seal should be re
placed with each overhaul to ensure trouble‐free
operation. However, if the old seal must be reused,
wrap the seal faces individually in tissue paper to
prevent damage to the sealing surfaces.
With the diffuser and lower stationary portion of the
seal removed, carefully slide the shaft sleeve (40)
and rotating seal components off the shaft as a
single unit.
Lubricate the exposed portions of the sleeve and
work oil under both bellows assemblies. Pull the
lower bellows assembly off the shaft sleeve and re
move the seal spring. Pull the upper bellows as
sembly off the shaft sleeve.
Slide two stiff wires with hooked ends along the
shaft and under the upper stationary element.
Hook the back side of the element and pull it out of
the intermediate bore.
Remove and discard the shaft sleeve O‐ring (16).
If no further disassembly is required, proceed to
the appropriate areas in
Do not disassemble the motor unless it is neces
sary and a clean, well‐equipped shop is available. If
the motor housing components are to be serviced,
in this section. Do not
reassemble the end components at this time.
Reuse of old O‐rings, gaskets, or shaft seal parts
will result in premature leakage or reduced pump
performance. It is strongly recommended that new
gaskets and shaft seal assemblies be used during
reassembly (see the parts lists for numbers).
Cleaning And Inspection Of Pump Parts
(Figure 1)
With the pump inverted, stuff a clean tissue into the
stationary seal seat bore of the intermediate (8) or
wrap a small rag around the shaft to prevent for
eign material from entering the motor cavity.
Carefully inspect any O‐rings or gaskets before re
moval and cleaning to determine if a proper seal
and compression existed prior to disassembly. If
sealing was faulty or questionable, the cause must
be determined and corrected before reassembly.
Replace any parts as required.
Thoroughly clean all reuseable parts with a soft
cloth soaked in cleaning solvent. Remove all O‐