General information
Please ensure that all persons using the device have read and understood the assembly and operating
instructions. The assembly and operating instructions must be regarded as part of the product and kept
in a safe place so that they can be referred to at any time if necessary. Ensure that the safety and main-
tenanceinstructions are followed exactly. Any use that deviates from these instructions may result in
damage tohealth, accidents or damage to the device, for which the manufacturer and distributor cannot
accept any liability.
Personal safety
Before starting to use the device, you should consult your family doctor to determine whether the
training is suitable for you from a health point of view. This applies especially to people who have a
hereditary predisposition to high blood pressure or heart disease, smoke, have high cholesterol
levels, are overweight and/or have not exercised regularly in the last year. If you are on medication
that affects your heart rate, medical advice is absolutely essential. Please also note that excessive
exercise can seriously jeopardize your health. If you experience any signs of weakness, nausea,
dizziness, pain, shortness of breath or other abnormal symptoms during training, please stop training
immediately and consult a doctor in case of emergency.
As a general rule, sports equipment is not a toy. Unless otherwise described, the equipment may only
be used by one person at a time for training. It may therefore only be used as intended and by
appropriately informed and instructed persons. Persons such as children, invalids, physically and
mentally impaired persons should only use the device in the presence of another person who can
provide assistance and guidance. Suitable measures should be taken to prevent unsupervised
children from using the device. It must be ensured that the user and other persons never move or
stand with any parts of their body in the area of moving parts.