Play Set Surfacing Recommendations:
Below are some of the recommendations that the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC) offers from its Handbook for Public Playground Safety. The guide
can be downloaded in full at www.cpsc.gov/PageFiles/122149/325.pdf
1. Protective Surfacing
- Since almost 60% of all injuries are caused by falls to the
ground, protective surfacing under and around all playground equipment is the most
critical safety factor on playgrounds.
Certain manufactured synthetic surfaces also are acceptable; however, test data on
shock absorbing performance should be requested from the manufacturer.
Asphalt and concrete are unacceptable. They do not have any shock absorbing
properties. Similarly, grass and turf should not be used. Their ability to absorb shock
during a fall can be reduced considerably through wear and environmental conditions.
Certain loose-fill surfacing materials are acceptable. Surfacing materials are acceptable,
such as the types and depths shown in the table.
Fall Heights and Materials
Type Of Material
6 in. depth
9 in. depth
12 in. depth
Double-Shredded bark mulch
6’ Fall Height
10’ Fall Height
11’ Fall Height
Wood Chips
6’ Fall Height
7’ Fall Height
12’ Fall Height
Fine Sand
5’ Fall Height
5’ Fall Height
9’ Fall Height
Shredded Tires*
10-12’ Fall Height
Fine Gravel
6’ Fall Height
7’ Fall Height
10’ Fall Height
*This data is from tests conducted by independent testing laboratories on a 6-inch depth of uncompressed shredded tire samples
produced by four manufacturers. The tests reported critical heights, which varied from 10 feet to greater than 12 feet. It is
recommended that persons seeking to install shredded tires as a protective surface request test data from the supplier showing the
critical height of the material when it was tested in accordance with ASTM F1292.
It should be recognized that all injuries due to falls cannot be prevented no matter what
surfacing material is used.