II. System Introduction
AVL-901(C) is a high-tech product through cooperation with mobile operators.
It combines GPS Global Positioning System and GSM/GPRS communication
system, which can clearly inform you the position & situation of your car.
GPS is the abbreviation for Global Positioning System, which is a product of
the cold war between USA and USSR. During the cold war, USA arranged 24
position location satellites around the earth orbit, in order to measure the space
coordinate and time of the measured objects through the triangular location
method. These satellites were initially for military purpose. Then, they were
allowed to be used for civilian purpose. Their locating precision can be kept within
10 to 15 meters.
GSM is the second digital mobile communication system (GPRS, second and
fifth digital mobile communication system), and at present it is the mobile
communication system that has the largest coverage and owns the most number
of users. This product combines GPS and GSM/GPRS technologies together. It
uses GPS system to locate your car, and sends the position/ situation report back
to you via GSM/GPRS communication system.
With a delicate microphone, you can monitor the present situation in your car
from a faraway place. You can use the telephone remote control function to set
monitoring mode, which will report the situation of your car to you periodically.