2019 | Confidential and Proprietary | Do not distribute
Check Wi-Fi coverage with the camera
Hold the camera up where you are installing it, and view the
video stream with the Nest app.
If the camera can’t connect to Wi-Fi, or if the video stream is
interrupted, they might need to pick another location where
the signal is stronger. Even a few inches can make a
Secure the cable
Next, you’ll need to secure the power adapter and cable.
See below.
Secure the power adapter and cable
Whichever way you mounted the camera, you’ll need to
attach the power adapter and cable to a wall or other surface
to keep it secure and to make it look tidy.
Install the first cable clip
Install the first clip within 6 inches (15cm) of the camera. This
can help secure the camera’s position and prevent damage if it
ever gets knocked off of its magnetic mount.
To install each clip, we recommend drilling pilot holes
beforehand. Use a 3/32” (2 mm) bit for wood and similar
materials. Or, if you’re installing the wall anchors on brick or
stone, use a 7/32” (6 mm) masonry bit and then gently tap the
anchor into the hole with a hammer.
Insert the cable into the clip.
Screw the clip directly into the wall, or into the anchor.
Note: If you’re tightening the screw with a drill, be careful not to
drill into the cable itself. The cable should be fully inserted into
the clip, keeping it away it from the screw