2 Operation instructions
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Operation instruction for Explosion protected device
Application and Standards
This instruction manual applies to explosion-protected control panels of type of protection
types below. This apparatus is only to be used as defined and meets requirements of EN 60
079 particularly EN60 079-14 "electrical apparatus for potentiality explosive atmospheres".
Use this manual in hazardous locations, which are hazardous due to gases and vapours ac-
cording to the explosion group and temperature class as stipulated on the type label. When
installing and operating the explosion protected distribution and control panels you should ob-
serve the respective nationally valid regulations and requirements.
General Instructions
The device has to have a back-up fuse as stipulated. The mains connection must have a suf-
ficient short circuit current to ensure safe breaking of the fuse. To achieve an impeccable and
safety device operation, please take care for adept transportation, storage and mounting, as
well as accurate service and maintenance. Operation of this device should only be imple-
mented by authorised persons and in strict accordance with local safety standards.
The electrical data on the type label and if applicable, the "special conditions" of the test cer-
tificate TÜV 99 ATEX 1488 are to be observed.
For outdoor installation it is recommended to protect the explosion protected distribution and
control panel against direct climatic influence, e.g. with a protective roof. The maximum ambi-
ent temperature is 40°C, if not stipulated otherwise.
Intrinsically Safe Circuits
Erection instructions in the testing certificates of intrinsically safe apparatus are to be ob-
served. The electrical safety values stipulated on the type label must not be exceeded in the
intrinsically safe circuit. When interconnecting intrinsically safe circuits it is to be tested,
whether a voltage and/or current addition occurs. The intrinsic safety of interconnected circuits
is to be ensured. (EN 60079-14, section 12)
Safety Measures: to read and to comply
Work on electrical installations and apparatus in operation is generally forbidden in
hazardous locations, with the exception of intrinsically safe circuits. In special cases
work can be done on non-intrinsically safe circuits, on the condition that during the
duration of such work no explosive atmosphere exists. Only explosion protected
certified measuring instruments may be used to ensure that the apparatus is volt-
age-free. Grounding and short-circuiting may only be carried out, if there is no ex-
plosion hazard at the grounding or short circuit connection.
Danger of static charge!
Clean only with humid cloth!
Do not open when an explosive dust atmosphere is present!