EN - 70 Internet Access
There are 3 options:
• Full Internet Access:
Children are allowed full internet access without any web filtering.
Note: Parents need to make sure that Wi-Fi is turned on.
• No Internet Access
Children are not allowed to access the web browsing.
• Setup child-safe internet web filter
: add a website that the child is allowed to open
: add a website that the child is allowed to open
: modify the website information
: delete the website Time Limits
There are two different modes of Time Limits control:
• Whole Week: one set of rules for the whole week everyday;
• Day-of-week: seven sets of rules for the seven days of week.
Under each mode, there are 3 types of rules:
• Can Play / Cannot Play:
: Can play, but still subject to “Permitted Hours” and “Session Control” rules
: Cannot play completely
• Permitted Hours:
: Control is on. Play is NOT allowed before the Start Time or after the End Time
of the day.
: Control is off.