EN - 26
On the main interface, use “◄/►” key and select “Text” and short press “Menu” key to choose
Text function to enter it.
Function explain:
Short press “Menu” to enter submenu (Page Jump / Save Mark / Load Mark / Del Mark /Set
Font / Set Color / Browser Mode / Flip Time/Mode)
Page Jump, use dial “◄/►” key and select and short press “Menu” button. Find time setup
for page jumping. Set second and short press “Vol” then move to next time. Short press
“Menu” to return submenu
Save Mark, use “◄/►” key and press button to enter. Press “Menu” key to find text list and
use “◄/►” key and short press “Menu” key to save bookmark.
Lard Mark, use“◄/►” key and press “Menu” key. Then find save mark on the list and short
press “Menu” key.
Del Mark, use “◄/►” key and press “Menu” to enter save mark list and select with using
“◄/►” key and short press “Menu” key to delete.
Set Font, press “Menu” key to enter it. Find Font Small / Font Mid / Font Big. Use “◄/►” to
select then press “Menu” key then change the font size.
Set Color, use “◄/►” key and press “Menu” key to enter it. Find R / G / B. Use “◄/►” to
change color then press “Vol” key to move the next color. Press “Esc” key to escape..
Browser Mode, short press “Menu” key to enter it. Fine Auto Mode / Manual Mode. Short
press “Auto Mode” or “Manual Mode” Then use “◄/►” to change the page.
Flip Time, short press “Menu” key to enter it. Find sec as 10 sec / 15 sec / 20 sec / 25 sec /
30 sec. Then select and short press “Menu” key to select.
Mode, short press “Menu” key to enter it. Find format 01 / format 02 / format 03. Select and
short press ”Menu” key to change wallpaper for the text.
NOTE: Factory settings allow only certain supported files.
In the main menu, use “◄/►” to select and press “Menu” to enter Radio.
Select Manual, short press “Menu” enter menu (Search by hand / autoSearch / preset mode
/ save channel / delete channel / stereo switch / receive area / FM record) .
Search by hand, select and press “Menu”. Then use “◄/►” to find frequency and then press
“Menu” to save selected channel. Press “Menu” and use “◄/►” to find empty slot in the
channel list. Then press “Menu” to save channel.
Auto Search, select and press “Menu”. Auto search will start.
Preset mode, select and press “Menu”. Then use “◄/►” to change saved channel (find
saved channel list on the bottom left).
Save channel, select and press “Menu”. Use “◄/►” key to save channel. Press “Menu”
Delete channel, select and press “Menu”. Use “◄/►” key to delete channel. Press “Menu”
and the display will show “Do you want to delete?”. Use “◄/►” to select items to be deleted.
Press “Menu” and select “Yes / No”. If you do not want to delete, press ”Esc” key. Then
return to the previous menu.
4. TexT
5. raDIO