If somehow user cannot get video output, please try
to adjust EDID rotary switch to Mode 5 or 6 for trouble
shooting. Under Mode 5, there will be video output. The
only requirement is that the display has to support at
least Full HD. If default Full-HD EDID still cannot work,
user can switch to Mode 6 to learn the EDID from output
1 to customize the EDID information. (Please note that
the display with lowest resolution must be connected to
output 1)
8. Notice
Select to Mode 5 - Full-HD(1080p@60) – 8bit 2D video &
2ch audio
1) Power on the device
2) Set the rotary switch to “5”
Select to Mode 6 - Learning EDID from output 1
1) Power on the device
2) Set the rotary switch to “6”
3) It will automatically learn EDID from output 1
While connecting a new monitor to the splitter under
mode 7 (under auto EDID analysis learning mode), expe-
riencing a short period of time without displaying might
be expected. The splitter will do Automatic EDID learning
and generate the best EDID among all connected moni-
If the user wants to re-learn EDID from output1, please set
the rotary switch to other mode and then come back to “6”
to trigger the Learning Mode