Digital Video Recorder: User Manual
] Detect the storage connected with the DVR such as hard disk or universal disk.
] Choose the file to delete and click erasure to delete the file.
] Stop the backup.
] Click backup button and the dialog, box is popped up. You can choose the backup file according to the type, channel and tim e.
: Clear the file information.
: Show the file information satisfying the set file attributes.
: Click the play button to start the backup and click the pause button to stop the backup.
: During backup you can exit the page layout to carry out other functions.
4.3 Alarm Function
Alarm functions include: motion detect, video loss and abnormality.
4.3.1 Motion Detect
When system detects the motion signal that reaches the set sensitivity, the motion detect alarm is on and the linkage functio n is turned on.
Picture 4.4 set the area Picture 4.5 set the time section Picture 4.6 PTZ activation
] Choose the set motion detect channel.
] Means that the motions detect function is on.
Choose in the six options according to the sensitivity.
] Click setup and enter the set area. The area is divided into PAL22X18. Green block means the current cursor area. Yellow block means the
dynamic detect defensive area. Black block means the unfenced area. You can set the area as followed. Drag the mouse and draw the area.