contact ESU. We can even give you their home address if they don’t get back to you.
And we’ll provide the noisemaker for you to let them know you are there at 3 a.m.
While addressing the features that most modelers will need for normal operation,
these instructions have covered just a small number of the many customizable
features of your ESU LokSound decoder. For advanced users who want to explore the
capabilities of the decoder more fully we suggest downloading the ESU LokSound
V5 decoder manual. This is available in the Support section of our web site.
We will do our best to solve any problems or issues that you may have with your F7B/
F9B locomotive. If your locomotive has any defects that originate from the factory,
we will repair your locomotive using new components or replace it outright should
a repair not be possible. However, we can only replace your locomotive while we
have additional ones in stock. We normally keep spares for up to six months after a
model is released. If you are like most of us and – after purchasing this locomotive –
you dismissed it to one of many cardboard boxes in your storage unit or backyard
shed for the better part of 30 years (or how long it will likely be until the Maple Leafs
win the cup again)(that should be 75 years), then you are on your own if there are
any issues. The entire Rapido crew will have hopefully won the lottery, and each
bought their own private rail cars, since Jason set the bar so high himself with our
sleeping car, Edmundston.
There are several things that this warranty cannot cover. If your F7B/F9B arrives with
a couple of loose grab irons or underbody bits, there is a very good chance that
you can do a repair in less time and effort than it would take to contact us. Don’t
be afraid to do some model railroading! White glue, such as Weldbond, works
wonders for securing all sorts of parts and will not mar or damage your paint.
However, if parts are missing that is another story – call us or send us an email and
we’ll send you some replacements.
Of course, damage caused by running your locomotive at full speed off the cliff
known as the edge of your 4x8 sheet of plywood, modifying your locomotive to
work off diesel fuel, using your locomotive to re-enact the explosive derailment scene
from your favourite railway movie, using your locomotive as an actual auxiliary
power supply for your house, or any other damage caused by you that we haven’t
been able to cover here is not covered by the warranty. However, if catastrophe
does strike and your locomotive gets damaged, please give us a shout and we’ll do
our best to help you out.
Summary of Contents for Rapido F7B
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