Installation instructions
— Set boiler to run in central heating as described in ‘Users Instructions’.
— Set heating temperature control to maximum temperature and check that any external con-
trols, if fitted, are calling for heat.
— Allow the temperature to rise to the maximum value, with all radiator valves open. The tem-
perature rise will cause release of the gases contained in the water of central heating system.
Gases driven towards the boiler will be automatically released through the automatic air
The gases trapped at the highest point of the system must be released by bleeding the
— On reaching maximum temperature, the boiler should be turned off and the system drained
as rapidly as possible whilst still hot.
— Refill system to a pressure of 1 bar and vent as before.
— Restart boiler and operate until a maximum temperature is reached. Shut down boiler and vent
heating system. If necessary, top up heating system and make sure that a pressure of 1 bar is
indicated on the pressure gauge when system is COLD.
— Shut down boiler.
— Undo screw on gas inlet test point ‘2’ on gas valve.
— Connect a suitable pressure gauge.
— Start boiler as described in “Users Instructions”.
— Check that there is a constant pressure of 20 mbar. If the pressure is insufficient, it is neces-
sary to check the gas supply/pipework and correct any fault.
— Shut down boiler.
— Remove pressure gauge, tighten up test point screw and check for gas soundness.
1. Remove the lower grille, remove two screws se-
curing outer casing. Remove casing by lifting up
and forwards.
2. Unscrew 6 screws securing inner casing and re-
move casing.
3. Loosen, but do not remove, the two knurled nuts
securing controls housing to boiler (behind control
4. Lift controls housing from bracket and remove rear
5. After commissioning, replace all items in reverse
order to removal.