The Phonebook menu is the place where you store your contact information.
When you enter the Phonebook menu, you will see a contact list with names,
phone numbers and type of the phone number (IP or PSTN), or you will be
required to add a new contact if the phonebook is empty. The contact can be
created manually, or transferred from the Call List. Each contact can store
four numbers with the type indication. Select one of the four numbers as the
default. The Phonebook is capable of storing 100 contacts.
To navigate and make selections in the Phonebook menu and its sub-menus,
use the navigation keys and soft keys as described previously.
Create a Contact
Set Up Speed Dial
Press .
to select the field.
Input the name, at least one phone
number, and use
to choose
the default phone number.
to choose a phone
Press , and use
to choose “Speed Dial”.
Press .
to choose the Speed Dial
number. Press to add
the phone number to Speed Dial.
If the chosen number is already
used, you will be asked if you
would like to replace it.
Press when done.
XTP8831 User’s Manual 26